Daily Management Review

PPG Industries makes strategic progress towards achieving its 2020 sustainability goals

PPG Industries has made steady and consistent efforts towards reaching its 2020 sustainable goals. Its Corporate Social Responsibility Report for 2014, can be viewed online. Like its slogan ‘Bringing innovation to the surface‘, Ohio based PPG Industry is a world leader in painting technology that...

65% of Africa arable land is damaged and of poor quality

Fertiliser has long been used as a magic wand to throw on soil and boost productivity. The result is our present state wherein the very soil that we depend on to feed ourselves has degraded and without the needed minerals. It is critical that farmers be taught soil management techniques. The...

Redfin’s collaboration with Move For Hunger optimises the process of changing houses

Redfin partnership with Move For Hunger not only makes the process of changing houses smarter but it also reduces wastages, since the leftover food is handed over to the local Food Bank. Redfin is a modern brokerage firm that deals in real estate and represents people who are either selling or...

The Caribbean needs to be ‘Climate Smart’ in order to survive

Although there are several efforts by U.S based NGOs to safeguard marine ecology in the Caribbean, however the local community remains divided on the issue. A change of mind set is needed for the local fisherfolks. They need to understand the compulsions of being ‘climate smart’ so that they all...

U.N Treaty on the governance of High Seas is a must

In order to protect large tracts of the ocean which are beyond national jurisdictions, and which cover nearly 50% of our planet’s surface, it is essential that countries come to a mutual agreement on how to protect and govern these areas from human activities that pollute and exploit them. In...

Quick Corrective measures are needed to avoid the worldwide water shortage

As per the report tabled by Mr. Richard Connor, the lead author of the World Water Development which was submitted to the UN on World Water Day, unless corrective measures are taken by governments worldwide, the picture that is painted by the media, is likely to come true. However, instead of...

Turkey Invests in coal despite global trend to the reverse

As the world moves ahead and embraces newer and greener sources of energy, Turkey has yet to take concrete measures that are in line with current trends. As per reports on ‘Subsidies to Coal and Renewable Energy in Turkey’ which have been released on the 24th of March 2015, with the increase in...

Belize makes smart changes to protect its marine ecology and coastline

Belize has taken concrete positive steps to safeguard its fragile reefs, its coasts, its marine ecology, and its coastal communities. Fishermen in coastal communities have already invested in other livelihoods and are seeing early signs of success. Almost 203,000 Belizeans live in on the coast in...

Biodiversity and Conservation is a way of Life in Nepal

Nepal has made giant strides towards conserving its pristine ecological heritage by integrating local communities in its conservation efforts. For the local communities, it is not about just biodiversity and ecological well-being, it is more ingrained than that. For them, it is their way of life....

Conscious Capitalism and Starbucks

For Howard Schultz, his rags to riches life experiences, have made him the man he is today. His vision of conscious capitalism, may not been path breaking, but it is certainly a step forward in the right direction. The Founder and CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, would like to start a conversation...
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