BMW Ranked Most Reputable in 2015


German carmakers BMW and Daimler AG, as well as the American Internet company Google Inc. became the leaders of the world ranking of companies with the best reputation. American research center Reputation Institute came to this conclusion according to the survey of more than 60 thousand customers, conducted in the first quarter of 2015. The rating is published on the site center.

BMW, Google and Daimler respectively took the first three places in the ranking. Rolex watches and toy manufacturer LEGO Group are completing the top five manufacturer.

the studio Walt Disney Co., electronics manufacturers Canon, Apple, Sony are also included in the top ten companies that consumers trust the most, as well as a leading manufacturer of semiconductors Intel.

At the bottom of the list of 100 companies are pharmaceutical companies GlaxoSmithKline and Bristol-Myers Squibb, as well as brewer Anheurser-Busch.

In this case, most companies - 40 - are based in the US, 14 - in Japan, 7 - in Germany and France, 6 - in the UK, 5 - in Sweden, 4 - in Italy and Switzerland, 2 - in South Korea, Holland and Denmark, 1 - in Australia, Finland, Spain, China, Singapore, Taiwan and Bermuda.

In the ranking, published in 2014, almost the same companies were presented in the top five, but were distributed differently among them. In the first place, there was Google, followed by Walt Disney Company, BMW, Rolex and Sony. LEGO toy manufacturer located in the 9th place.

As the researchers note, only BMW’s personal success helped company to become a leader of the rating but a problem for Google, which recently faced serious allegations of monopoly. To regain its position, analysts advise IT-giant to cooperate with regulatory authorities and the EU to be more "transparent."

Reputation Institute is a private US research and consulting organization. The work of the Institute attended by representatives of 15 countries, including the UK, Germany, France, China and Russia. The methodology takes into account factors such as the overall positive attitude toward the organization, trust, respect and innovation.
