Bloomberg: Boeing employees are leaving for SpaceX and Amazon


Thousands of employees of the US aerospace corporation Boeing have left the company amid continuing internal problems, Bloomberg writes.

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Employees are leaving the company amid a crisis that has been going on for more than a year - it began after the suspension of Boeing 737 MAX operation in March 2019, and last year it was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The corporation, which ended its sixth consecutive quarter with losses, is trying to cut costs more; among other things, it plans to cut 23,000 employees.

As Bloomberg writes, referring to an analysis of LinkedIn data, under these conditions, since the beginning of last year, about 3.2 thousand engineers and other technical employees working in the aircraft production unit in Seattle have left Boeing. 

According to the publication, many of them went to private space company SpaceX, online retailer Amazon, Microsoft Corporation and military-industrial companies Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin. For example, about 1,100 former Boeing employees work at Amazon, and about 200 at SpaceX.
