California adopts the most stringent data protection law in the US


On Thursday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed a law on the protection of personal data of Internet users. The law has already been dubbed the hardest of all that operates in the US at the moment. Some are already calling on other states to follow the example of California in the protection of consumer rights.

Jim Makos via flickr
According to the new law, users have rights to know what personal information the Internet companies collect, why they collect this data, how and why they are used by Internet companies, etc. Consumers also get the right to require companies to delete information or prohibit it sale to third parties or advertisers. In addition, the law severely restricts transfer or sale of data of underage Internet users.

The law comes into force from 2020. By this time Internet companies operating in California and/or with the data of residents of this state, should prepare for the implementation of its provisions.

The law states separately: "In March 2018 it became known that the data of tens of millions of people were illegally used by Cambridge Analytica. As a result of several hearings in the congress, it became obvious that our personal information could be misused when it was transmitted to the Internet. As a result, our desire to monitor personal data and transparency of the process of storing and processing this data has increased markedly. "

Given that Cambridge Analytica used primarily data from Facebook users, the law’s authors of the actually indicated their position with regard to this largest social network in the world, although it is not mentioned in the text of the law. American observers note that adoption of this law in California, where many leading Internet and technology companies (Facebook, Google, Apple, Netflix, HP, Intel, etc.) headquarted, can have a much wider impact on the situation with processing of personal data than in the state itself.

The Facebook company has already reacted to the new law. "Although these rules are not perfect, we support them. We also look forward to working with regulators to define a methodology that not only protects consumers, but also promotes development of responsible technologies," said Facebook Vice-President Will Castleberry. 
