Fujifilm buys Hitachi unit for $ 1.63B


Japanese Fujifilm Holdings has confirmed the purchase of a unit of Hitachi Ltd., specializing in the production of medical equipment, according to a press release from Fujifilm.

"We expect the deal to reach approximately 179 billion yen ($ 1.63 billion)," the company said. Fujifilm also announced that it plans to close the deal in July 2020 after regulatory approval.

Fujifilm is going to expand the Hitachi medical division using its own technology and artificial intelligence, and to create new products that help improve the quality of medical care. The purchase will enable Fujifilm to further develop the medical industry and offer a wider range of medical diagnostic products and services.

Japanese Fujifilm was founded in 1934 and specializes in products related to photography and images. The company is also engaged in innovations in the field of medicine, materials with wide functional capabilities, as well as in other high-tech areas.

Hitachi Ltd. Corporation founded in 1910. The headquarters is located in Tokyo. Corporate divisions are represented in such areas as energy, finance, healthcare, urban planning, and social infrastructure.

source: asia.nikkei.com