Gardens at Giverny, from Monet to Bonnard


Composed, like a huge bouquet of about a hundred paintings, drawings, prints and photographs by Impressionist and Nabi artists, the show is a refreshing, inspiring evocation rather than a discourse on the construction of gardens.

by Marie-Laure Castelnau

Maurice Denis (1870-1943), Le Bain en plein air (The Outdoor Bath), 1904, private collection, courtesy of the Berès Gallery, Paris. © Galerie Berès
The thematic and chronological exhibition focuses on what gardens meant to artists from Renoir  to Monet , Édouard Vuillard to Pierre Bonnard , their complementary or contrasting visions and their influences. The works, mostly from French museums and private collections, respond to each other around poetic themes like “indecisive spaces”, “absences”, “musings” and “games and squares”. Read more