Italian Defence Minister Gives Green Signal For F-35 Phase Two


Italy will continue with “F-35 fighter jets” investment plan, hoping to build on its previous investments and seizing the programme opportunities.

The Defence Minister of Italy informed that the country will move ahead with the plan of investing on “F-35 fighter jets”. This statement came following the uncertainty which hovered over additional orders from the government of Rome, as it “raised questions on production plans”.
On Thursday, 28 November 2019, Guerini was quoted saying in the parliament:
“As the government aims to build on the investments made so far and seize the opportunities offered by the program, I’ve decide to give a green light to the phase two”.
According to Reuters’ report:
“Luigi Di Maio, leader of the co-ruling 5-Star Movement, said last year that F-35 fighter jets were not a priority for the country and that the program had to be reviewed in 2019”.