Italian Deputy Prime Minister Demand For ECB’s New Role In State Debt Guarantee


The winning leaders of EU parliamentary election suggest EU fiscal rules reform, while Salvini urges for a new role of ECB in state debt guarantee.

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On Tuesday, May 28, 2019, Matteo Salvini, the deputy Prime Minister of Italy demanded for a “new role” in the European Central Bank. This should be able to “guarantee” the debt of government for keeping the “bond yields low”.
Salvinin had wrote in a Facebook post about his thoughts, whereby the European conference should hold a top-level discussion about looking into ways for boosting “growth and investment” which should also cover the European Central Bank’s new role as a means to put an end to “speculation”.
The European parliament just conducted fresh rounds of elections, while the victorious “right-wing” League’s leaders termed EU’s “fiscal rules” to have “failed” which, according to them “should be rewritten with the focus on cutting employment, not capping budget deficits”.