Microsoft cancels mandatory remote working for employees


Microsoft will open its offices in Washington state beginning in late February and allow employees to return to work, according to the company's official blog.

Previously, the company developed a grading that could be used to rate the ability of employees to return on a six-point scale. In steps 1-5, Microsoft recommended working remotely, but gave the option to go into the office or combine both formats.

Since the end of February, Microsoft employees have had 30 days to make adjustments to their work schedules and coordinate them with their managers. They can go into the office, stay working remotely or combine the two types of work.

The company notes that reopening of offices was made possible thanks to a high vaccination rate, as well as a decrease in hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 across Washington state. Microsoft will also ensure that employees are tested for the coronavirus and will comply with all existing precautions.
