New Explosions Resounded in the Indonesian Capital


New explosions occurred at the heart of Jakarta, according to Kompas TV. According to preliminary data, the bombings thundered close to a spot of shooting took place just a few hours earlier. The police have already arrived at the scene.

Gunawan Kartapranata
At least 17 people were killed as a result of a series of attacks that took place today in Jakarta. One of the explosions thundered opposite a shopping center, others - near the cafe Starbucks, in an area full with luxury hotels, embassies and office buildings. According to police, there were six explosions in total. Several tanks and military were sent to the scene.

The President of Indonesia Joko Widodo called the incident a terrorist attack, and urged Jakarta’s residents to keep calm. Mr. Widodo, who at the time was in the west of the island of Java, immediately returned to Jakarta. "Our nation, our people should not be afraid, we will not be broken by these acts of terror, - he said in a televised address to the nation.- We all mourn for the victims, but we also condemn these acts, which undermine security and sow terror among the people."

Head of Indonesian intelligence agency Sutiyoso (uses only the name that is common to Indonesians) did not link series of attacks to ISIL’s activities. "Definitely, this is terrorism, but there is no reason to believe that the attack is related to ISIL," - he said. The Jakarta Police do not deny information that the terrorist grouping previously warned of imminent attacks on Indonesia. Later Thursday, however, ISIL claimed the responsibility for the Jakarta attack. "The objectives of the attack were foreign nationals and representatives of law enforcement bodies", - quotes Reuters the militants’ statement.
