Pfizer Vaccine May Take Ten Days Before Protection Is Developed In The Body


A health worker in California tested positive for COVID-19 following a week of vaccination.

Just after a week of taking COVID-19 vaccine for Pfizer, a Californian nurse tested positive for the same. The vaccine that was given was developed by Pfizer Inc. however, a medical expert defended the situation saying seven days weren’t enough, the body requires “more time to build up protection”.
Matthew W. is forty five years old who works in two local hospitals took to Facebook to inform that on December 18, 2020, he had “received the Pfizer vaccine” following which he experienced soreness on his arms which lasted for a day, otherwise he did not experience any other side-effects. However, after a span of six days, on the eve of Christmas, he fells ill during his work “in the COVID-19 unit”. He experienced chills followed by “muscle aches and fatigue”. Matthew then went to get himself tested and found his results to be positive “the day after Christmas”.
Christian Ramers works with San Diego’s Family Health Centers as an “infectious disease specialist”, who informed that this isn’t something “unexpected”. In Ramers’ words:
“We know from the vaccine clinical trials that it’s going to take about 10 to 14 days for you to start to develop protection from the vaccine”.
“That first dose we think gives you somewhere around 50%, and you need that second dose to get up to 95%”.