Tesco stops selling postcards made in China due to suspicion of prison labor


The British company Tesco has suspended production of Christmas cards at a factory in China. According to a statement from Britain’s largest retail chain, production was halted due to suspicions of the use of prison labor.

Tesco launched an investigation into suspected prisoners in a Chinese factory, and also recalled postcards that had already been produced for sale before the end of the proceedings.

The company emphasized that if a supplier’s violation of the ban on the use of prisoners' labor is proved, then "we will immediately and permanently remove it from the list."

Last month, the supplier passed the company's audit, but then independent auditors did not find evidence of the use of prison labor in China.

Earlier, UK media reported that on one of the postcards made in China, a note was found with the text: "Forced to work against our will. Please help us and notify the human rights organization."

source: euronews.com