The Beautiful Friendship Between US And Germany


At the point when Barack Obama went to Berlin two years back, he enchanted a city. A huge number of individuals cheered in the late spring daylight as he displayed his informal side before the Brandenburg Gate.

Evident correlations can be seen just by going fifty years back in time. At around that time, “almost to the day” – history marks evident similarities, as the ex-President John F Kennedy had conveyed his "Ich receptacle ein Berliner" discourse to a “delighted group”. Likewise, for quite sometimes, Germans have looked up to President Obama in an exceptional way.
As per, the reports of the research named “Pew”, it has been found that the trust of the German in Mr Obama had been the “the highest in the world. The work of the Pew research team is to scrutinise the “scores” of various countries. However, only sometimes during “last year”, the high confidence level on President Obama took a dip, which were equally reflected by some individuals of France and the UK.
Berlin discourse of Kennedy:
During the time of the Cold War, which was a global pressing issue then, President Kennedy had addressed “a huge crowd”, whereby he symbolized “West Berlin” as a “symbol of freedom”. He said:
"Two thousand years ago, the proudest boast in the world was, 'Civis Romanus sum.'
"Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is, 'Ich bin ein Berliner.'
"Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect. But we never had to put up a wall to keep our people in."
His speech was received very well by the Berlin audience, whereby they showed their approval through “rapturous cheers”. His concluding words to the people of Berlin were:

"All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin, and therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words, 'Ich bin ein Berliner.'"
Nevertheless, over the years U.S. lost a wide number of German supporters. Consequently, the relationship between both the countries got “complicated”. Some argue that it is the result of cultural differences that lie between the two, whereby America has: “...more hawkish approach to foreign policy.”
Germans were staunchly against the United States’ practice of drone usage and the involvement in “Iraq War”; although the B.B.C News reports that:

“But while geopolitical threats such as Russian action in Ukraine - divide opinion between the two countries, they also unite them.”
Germany still considers America a “powerful ally”, while for U.S. it is “vital” to retain a good relationship with the “arguably Europe's lead nation”.
The sight of “Mrs Merkel” and “Mr Obama” being together at the summit of G7 has raised curious eyebrows, whereby the world is eager to know the status of the relationship between the two nations, which “has endured some storms”.
However, a “conservative MP, Peter Beyer informs:
"They (Mr. Obama and Mrs merkel) still respect one another and hold each other in high regard.
"They're in close communication.
"Chancellor Merkel sees Obama under enormous interior pressure."
In fact, Mrs Merkel received the rare honour of staying “at the ‘guest house’ next to the White House” on her “recent” visit to Washington.