The Prospect Of Being A Blood-Blooded Nobility Allows The Scientists To Examine Genetic Diseases


People want to know if they are from royal bloodline, while scientists screen for genetic diseases.

Jim Drury informs that geneticists of Prague are offering the citizens to test their DNA, as they look to discover links with “Bohemian nobility”. It is an effort towards encouraging the people to “submit samples for screening”.
Czech Republic’s scientists are attempting to eradicate diseases that spread genetically. However, for the same scientists require people who are willing to submit their samples for DNA screening. A simple question “are you an aristocrat” proves to be enticing enough for people to submit their blood for testing to discover the answer to trace back their ancestry with the “famous Bohemian noble Johann Lobkowitz who died 170 years ago”.
In the words of geneticist, Emanuel Zdarsky:
“People wishing to undertake this test don't have to visit an ambulance. It is enough if they spit saliva on to any kind of paper, dry it and post it.”
It is during the analysis trying to look for “Lobkowicz clan”, the scientists conduct a parallel screening for a number of “genetic defects”. As a result, the scientists attempt to figure out if “prospective parents” are “cystic fibrosis” carriers or not. Cystic fibrosis  is a “debilitating genetic disorder” commonly found in people with “Northern European ancentry”. Moreover, Zdarsky added:
“Our main goal isn't easy. We want to test everyone in the country. Then we may be able to eliminate some diseases from the Czech Republic.”
Whether the Czechs are at home or are living abroad, they are eligible to send in their samples for finding out whether their ancestors can be traced to “blue-blooded nobility”.