Walmart to hire 4 thousand robot cleaners


People have become accustomed to how smartphones help them in their daily lives. Now it's time for larger, less intelligent, but equally indispensable helpers, according to Walmart.

Walmart via flickr
The world's largest chain of stores - American Walmart - plans to conduct significant automation of retail space this year. The retail company will employ about one and a half thousand robotic cleaners for cleaning the floor. They are called Auto-C (for “cleaner”). In addition, 300 self-moving scanners for products called Auto-S (for “shelf”) will be placed on the shelves in the stores.

1,200 devices called FAST Unloaders will automatically sort and scan items that arrive in stores on trucks. Finally, 900 drives will be commissioned for products ordered by customers online. 

Walmart Senior Vice President offered a clear image for these robots: now few people notice how many functions are given to smartphones, it’s just convenient - and that’s all. Soon, Walmart employees will be able to say the same thing - they will almost stop doing low-skilled jobs. The store employees can devote their free time to customer care in order to make the services and buying process as comfortable as possible.

It is also important, according to the manager, that buyers will see what progress in the trade business has reached Walmart, and at first they will be pleased with this progress, and then they will stop noticing it.
