Daily Management Review

Greece gets € 8.5 billion in exchange for austerity measures

Greece will avoid a default in July since European creditors agreed to allocate € 8.5 billion for the country. The delay in payment became possible thanks to unpopular reforms in the country, because of which thousands of impoverished Greeks took to the streets. At the same time, the ECB still does...

Central banks attempting to save markets

In the first five months of this year, central banks bought assets worth $ 1.5 trillion. Among these assets are stocks, bonds and real estate. Now the volume of assets owned by central banks has reached an incredible level. And banks are forced to acquire even more to achieve the same effect....

EU Demands Clarity Ahead Of Brexit Talks, Raises Pressure On UK

With the intention to make its position more clear before negotiations kickoff, pressure on the U.K. government has been stepped up by the European Parliament's representative in relation to Brexit.   It's time the U.K. answers five key questions before negotiations begin next week, Guy...

Markets Disagree With Fed's Glass-Half-Full View Of Economy And Doubt Future Rate Hikes

Markets are wrestling with the central bank over whether the economy reflects a glass half empty or half full, doubting the Federal Reserve's ability to hike rates as forecast.   The Fed spelled out how it hopes to begin winding down its balance sheet this year and hiked interest...

More Players Needed For Trump's Wall Street Game Plan

While Wall Street banks do not expect significant change any time soon, they however cheered U.S. President Donald Trump's plans to loosen the leash put on them in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis.   Rather than requiring legislation from Congress, executive order and through regulators...

Fed Set To Give More Detail On Balance Sheet Winddown And Raise Interest Rates

The U.S. Federal Reserve may provide more detail on its plans to shrink the mammoth bond portfolio it amassed to nurse the economic recovery and due to a tightening labor market, it is widely expected to raise its benchmark interest rate this week.   "The expectation of a rate hike...is...

'If We Lose A Dollar, They Will Lose A Dollar', Says Qatar Finance Minister

Even as Qatari Finance Minister Ali Shareef Al Emadi stressed that his country's resilience to any potential economic shocks, he said that Doha won't be the sole loser in an ongoing spat between the oil rich monarchy and seven Middle Eastern governments.   "A lot of people think we're...

While Fallout Limited Elsewhere, Sterling Stunned By UK Election Shock

Sideswiping investors who had already weathered major risk events in the United States and Europe, sterling spiraled lower on Friday as British elections left no single party with a clear claim to power.   British Prime Minister Theresa May had no way to win an outright majority in...

SoftBank buys robot manufacturers from Alphabet

SoftBank, a member of the Japanese holding SoftBank Group Corp, entered into a definitive agreement on purchase Boston Dynamics and Schaft, two manufacturers of robots owned by Alphabet Inc. The amount and details of the transaction were not disclosed, but the fact of sale was confirmed in both...

The Qatar Rift Could Change The LNG Markets – Here’s How

Amidst potential disruptions from United Arab Emirates ports refusing ships from the country, natural gas buyers could be spurred to seek greater diversification in sourcing due to Qatar’s diplomatic crisis with its Middle Eastern neighbors.   "Buyers will...
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