Daily Management Review

As Central Banks Sidle Toward Exit, Investors Sulk, But No Tantrum Likely

When a central bank signals that it is scaling back the stimulus that has kept an economy afloat - and lined the pockets of investors, history suggests that financial markets react violently.   Investors seem largely unruffled even as an end to ultra-easy monetary policies which have...

Made In The US Could Soon Replace 'Made In China'

Rising costs in China have been forcing manufacturers to explore new countries to make their goods and therefore contrary to widespread belief, China isn't the cheap place to manufacture that it once was.   And even many Chinese manufacturers are taking a second look at the U.S....

European real estate prices come back to a reasonable level

The period of the housing market bubbles in the euro area is over; the threat of a collapse remains only in two countries, says Deutsche Bank’s experts. Residential property prices in most of the euro zone countries have returned to an economically justified level. So-called bubbles and the danger...

The Analyst Who Correctly Called Its $2,000 Price Says Bitcoin Could Hit $100,000 In 10 Years

An analyst who correctly predicted the cryptocurrency's rally this year told the media that a 3,483 percent rise from its recent record high could be marked by ad bitcoin’s price has the potential to hit over $100,000 in 10 years.   One of the forecasts mentioned was calling for bitcoin to...

Societe Generale names main risks for global markets

Possible failure of US President Donald Trump's plan to reduce taxes is the biggest risk of a "black swan" for world markets, analysts at Societe Generale believe. "Black swans" are difficult-to-forecast and rare events, which, however, have significant consequences and can cause chaos in the...

Canada’s Budget Deficiency Grows Wider By The Year

Keeping below the government’s projection, data shows a deficit of “C$21.85 billion” in its budget for the year of 2016-2017. On the 26th of May 2017, Canada came out with a “preliminary budgetary deficit of C$21.85 billion” for the previous fiscal year, whereby the figure equals to “$16.3...

Robots will save Japanese economy from population ageing

Cisco forecasts that number of robots will surpass the population of developed countries by 2025. By 2032, their intellectual capabilities will be higher than that of a human, and by 2035 robots will completely replace people as a work force. Robots are performing increasingly more routine tasks...

There Might Not Be Much Bite For Emerging Markets By Trump’s Protectionist Bark

Even if talk becomes action, analysts say that much of a hit from the Trump administration's protectionist rhetoric might not have much of an impact on trade-dependent emerging markets.   In a final communique due to be released later on Saturday at the end of a summit of Group of Seven...

Six steps to transform India's economy

India, one of the fastest growing economies in the world, is ready to oust Germany and become the fourth largest economy in the world by 2022, according to the IMF. By 2032, the country’s economy will grow to $ 10 trillion from the current $ 2.3 trillion. Against this background, the analytical...

Norway shuts the door for foreign Oil and Gas investors

Norway is trying to take new measures to prevent foreigners from increasing their share in offshore fields in the country. Apparently, this move is aimed at Russia, whose interest in Norwegian oil and gas projects has grown recently, Bloomberg reports. In recent proposed changes to the sectoral...
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