by Alexandre Crochet

Jo Delahaut (1911-1992), Clostra, oil on canvas, 100.5 x 80.7 cm/39.56 x 31.77 in. © Fondation Gandur pour l’Art, Geneva – Photograph by André Morin © ADAGP 2022
What could be more fitting than one foundation inviting another? Until November, the one created by Marguerite and Aimé Maeght is hosting part of Jean Claude Gandur’s collection—a slim fraction of a larger group dedicated to abstract art housed at his Geneva foundation. Some works have already been featured in exhibitions, including several focusing on art produced during the war, but this time about a hundred works by 66 artists will be displayed together for the first time. Several of them, such as Calder, Hartung, Riopelle and Soulages , are also represented in the Maeght Collection. Together they provide a survey of abstract art and its variations, showing “just how radical the ideas and work of these artists were,” says Yan Schubert, the curator of the Geneva foundation, who also notes “a renewal of interest for abstraction” in recent years. Click here to read more