Daily Management Review

Bank of England recommends tightening liquidity requirements for money market funds


According to the Financial Times, which cites the regulator's study, the management of the Bank of England suggests increasing the requirements for the share of highly liquid assets in the structure of money market funds in order to lower sector risks.

Images George Rex
Images George Rex
Funds might have to retain between 50 and 60 percent of their total assets, i.e., assets that can be sold in less than seven days, in liquid assets, as opposed to the current 30 percent. There is a 50% standard in the United States.

The estimated total assets owned by money market funds in the United Kingdom is 250 billion pounds, or $306.6 billion.

According to the report, "the risk situation remains challenging." The authors of the report also mentioned the rise in household debt in Britain and the tripling of the percentage of mortgages with maturities longer than 35 years starting in 2021, in addition to geopolitical concerns and the overvaluation of some assets.

source: ft.com