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Higher expenses and slower economic growth are among the biggest issues which the global economy is facing during the next year and a half, according to economists. As a result, a number of countries and regions around the world may face stagflation, which is a situation that occurs when rising prices are accompanied with an economic slump.
Stagflation, according to Simon Baptist, Chief Economist of the Economist Intelligence Unit, will endure roughly a year but will not necessarily lead to a deep recession, as some analysts anticipate.
Many commodities, including raw materials, will begin to fall next quarter, according to Baptist, but prices will still be higher on average than they were before the conflict in Ukraine, owing to disruptions in Russian energy supply.
Even if there is a recession, residents and businesses in many nations will be able to weather it better than in previous global crises because they have stockpiles, including durable items.
source: cnbc.com
Stagflation, according to Simon Baptist, Chief Economist of the Economist Intelligence Unit, will endure roughly a year but will not necessarily lead to a deep recession, as some analysts anticipate.
Many commodities, including raw materials, will begin to fall next quarter, according to Baptist, but prices will still be higher on average than they were before the conflict in Ukraine, owing to disruptions in Russian energy supply.
Even if there is a recession, residents and businesses in many nations will be able to weather it better than in previous global crises because they have stockpiles, including durable items.
source: cnbc.com