Daily Management Review

EU Council Presidency passes to Hungary


On Monday, Hungary will take over the rotating presidency of the European Union Council for the next six months.

Kat Dodd via flickr
Kat Dodd via flickr
The Hungarian presidency of the council announced its priorities for the next six months on its website, saying, "Hungary will work as an honest broker in a spirit of sincere cooperation between member states and European institutions for the sake of peace, security, and prosperity of a truly strong Europe."

When listing the goals of its program, Hungary prioritized boosting Europe's competitiveness, "integrating this objective into all policy areas" of the EU Council.

Enhancing European defense policy comes next. Among the other priorities are “coherent and achievement-based enlargement policy" for the EU, halting illegal immigration, reshaping cohesion policy in the future to strengthen economic, social, and territorial cohesion, a common agricultural policy focused on farmers, and tackling demographic challenges”.

The approach of the Hungarian Presidency of the EU Council was accompanied with sharp remarks and criticism of official Budapest from a number of EU member states and European institutions for its unique stance on the events in Ukraine, military support for Kiev, and sanctions against the Russian Federation.

source: reuters.com