Daily Management Review

Global Economy Leaders Show Support For Taxation In G20 Meet


Cooperation will be the underlying key in executing all the “jointly agreed steps” by G20 leaders.

During the talks of G20, the leaders in the finance sectors from the “top economies” of the world have shown their support towards the continuation of the “international cooperation on taxation”.
Last week, a meeting was held in the presence of the “central bank governors” as well as the “finance ministers” at the Baden-Baden in Germany. Talking about the said conference, one of the senior official was quoted saying:
“The good news and the main message is that there is a continuing, broad interest for international cooperation on taxation.”
Moreover, this support will also extend on the “G20 initiative” for implementing “jointly agreed steps” for fighting “base erosion” and profiting “shifting” which will be carried out in line with the “so-called BEPS framework”, confirmed the speaker.