Daily Management Review

ICOs attracted $ 2 billion since early 2018


Since the beginning of January this year, ICO projects have managed to attract investments worth almost $ 2 billion. It is expected that the indicator can exceed the last year's record, when with the help of token-seals the companies earned about $ 5.7 billion.

BTC Keychain via flickr
BTC Keychain via flickr
Last month, the total amount of fees was $ 1.51 billion, as of February - $ 431 million, according to TokenData.

However, there is a trend for presale in 2018. The structure of the sale of tokens is now increasingly targeted at private investors, and the public is fighting for leftovers. The data show that 84% of all ICO fees this year come from private offers and pre-sales.

According to experts, at present the situation on the market is such that the tokens predominantly diverge among large holders of capital through closed or preliminary sales. Due to the fact that significant discounts and bonuses are provided during presales, it is much easier for these players to increase their investments than for those who participate in open tenders.

According to the new TokenData data, $ 1.97 billion has already been invested in ICO this year, of which $ 1.63 billion are in closed investments. Moreover, these figures do not take into account the $ 850 million that were collected during a private sale organized by Telegram: only the largest investors were invited to buy.

Telegram’s presale, which collected $ 600 million at the end of February, is over, but it is reported that investors have already received a doubling of their value. Such projects help the rich to become richer, but they cannot give the platform’s users a share in the project.

Of the 94 ICOs examined by Tokendata for this year, 28 tokens are now traded on exchanges. At this stage, the average ROI for tokens purchased through ICO and sold on the exchange is only 2.17, and considering the investment in ETH it is only 0.75.

In other words, in many cases it would be much more profitable to keep the Ethereum since the beginning of the year than to buy tokens on it. Of course, it's too early to judge, since 2018 is just beginning.

source: tokendata.io