Daily Management Review

Redfin’s collaboration with Move For Hunger optimises the process of changing houses


Redfin partnership with Move For Hunger not only makes the process of changing houses smarter but it also reduces wastages, since the leftover food is handed over to the local Food Bank.

Redfin is a modern brokerage firm that deals in real estate and represents people who are either selling or buying homes. Founded by a group of suave, modern tech savvy youths, Redfin does not employ salesperson in the strict sense of the word, instead it employs lawyers who also happen to be good salesmen, who earn not commissions but customer satisfaction bonuses.
Its website, Redfin.com, features, broker listed homes as well home-for-sale by the actual owners, who naturally don’t pay a commission to Redfin. In order to facilitate the task of buying / selling for its customers, Redfin also provides a Swiss-army knife of online tools, which have been built in-house by its own software engineers, which takes out the stress and the trouble from the entire process of buying / selling a house making it more enjoyable, safe and fun.
It has a presence in major cities all across the U.S and has grossed almost $20 billion in all kinds of home sales. It came into prominence and into the public eye when Business Insider considered it to be one of the most valuable tech companies in today’s time, i.e. one of the Digital 100.
In order to further its aim of helping people, Redfin has teamed up with Move for Hunger, a national hunger relief organisation. Redfin’s move is naturally company-wide and not specific to a particular region or city.
In this joint collaboration, Redfin will organise team events for fundraisers, host food drives, and though encourage its employees to donate and through these means support Move For Hunger. In order to take it a step further, it even came up with the idea of creating its own cookbook, aptly titled “Redfin Recipes: The Real Taste of Real Estate”.
The cookbook incorporates more than 100 recipes from all across the US along with a host of employee submitted favourites. All proceeds from the cookbook, are naturally directed towards Move For Hunger.
In order to cut down wastage, Redfin is now encouraging its clients who are either moving-in or moving-out, to donate the unwanted food during such a period, so that it is not wasted.
“This is a partnership that just makes sense. Together, with the help of Redfin employees, we will educate thousands of individuals about local hunger issues while providing them with a simple way to support their communities during their moves,” said Adam Lowy, founder and CEO, Move For Hunger.
What’s Move For Hunger
In 2009, Lowy created Move for Hunger. His family was into the business of transportation for almost a century and ever since he could remember, Lowy was witness to food being wasted every time when people changed houses. That is what triggered this idea in Lowy, why not create a company that will solve this problem.
Thus was born Move for Hunger. It collaborates with companies who are in the business of moving houses and collects the unwanted food left behind when people change houses. It then collects and donates the food to local food banks. To date, Move For Hunger has donated food costing more than 4.6 million pounds to Food Banks across 48 states, as well as in Canada.
“Redfin employees, especially our agents, have been excited for a more structured program to support their communities. Working with Move for Hunger is perfect because we can involve Redfin clients as well,” said Scott Nagel, president of real estate operations at Redfin.