Daily Management Review

Rethinking Art History with Rembrandt Specialist Ernst van de Wetering


Ernst van de Wetering’s death at 83 is one piece of sad news in a summer that unfortunately had many.

by Vincent Noce

"Self-Portrait" (Rembrandt)
"Self-Portrait" (Rembrandt)
“A monument of art history" is what Old Masters consultant Étienne Bréton calls Ernst van de Wetering, who spent nearly half a century studying Rembrandt ’s work. Gunnar Heydenreich, who, with his team in Cologne, focused the same attention on Cranach , calls Wetering’s book The Painter at Work his "bedside Bible". In 1968 Wetering joined the brand new Rembrandt Research Project (RRP), thinking it would last a few years. It turned out to be a lifetime. Read more