Daily Management Review

The Emperor’s Gold: Treasures of the Banque de France


Spanning 25 centuries of history, the numismatic collection of the Banque de France is particularly well endowed with Napoleonic coins and medals, some of which will soon be on display in Paris as part of the "Napoleon" exhibition.

by Mylène Sultan

“Banque de France” medal, 1809, gold, 68 mm (2.68 in), 264 gr (9.3 oz), engraved by Pierre Droz (1746-1823), allegory of the Banque de France on the reverse, from the Emperor’s private collection. © Cécil Mathieu - Banque de France
“Banque de France” medal, 1809, gold, 68 mm (2.68 in), 264 gr (9.3 oz), engraved by Pierre Droz (1746-1823), allegory of the Banque de France on the reverse, from the Emperor’s private collection. © Cécil Mathieu - Banque de France
To penetrate into the inner sanctum, you must first show your credentials, exchange your ID for a badge, pass through an armored security gate, walk through wide corridors and descend deep into the building’s bowels until at last reaching a mysterious red double door. Once the ornate, artistic covers concealing the lock are located, the yellow and black keys, each held by a different person, are turned; the lock clicks. Heavy, 1,850-kilogram steel doors swing open... read more