Daily Management Review
World & Politics

Malaysian Airlines axes 6,000 jobs

The disaster-struck airlines which has been facing losses from 2011 is now 'technically bankrupt' according to the CEO Christoph Mueller. Malaysian Airlines has decided to cut off one third of its workforce in a bid to streamline the organization and steer it back to profit.   The national...

A New Greece Representative in the IMF Has Remitted Her Position

Earlier Elena Panaritis was nominated by an informal committee headed by Finance Minister of Greece Yanis Varoufakis, which includes Deputy Prime Minister Yannis Dragasakis, Greece Economy Minister Giorgos Stathakis and Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Euclid Tsakalotos. However, this...

What a responsible investor should do to prevent climate change

Institutional investors around the world — including pension funds, insurance companies, charity foundations and universities — fight against a problem of a divestment oil and the coal-mining companies. Of course, climate change is the reason: in case if we do not sharply reduce consumption of...

International Symposium on Climate Change Opens in Rome

The international symposium devoted to problems of climate change, where about 20 experts from the different countries participate, opened on Wednesday in the Italian capital. The Roman meeting is organized in anticipation of the 21st conference of the parties of the framework convention of the UN...

Spain Faces 'Olive Ebola'

A virus which botanists have already called «an olive Ebola» threatens Spanish olives, following the Italian plantations. The bacterium for the first time was found in the south of Italy in 2013. Now the illness threatens with elimination olive plantations in Spain — the largest producer of olive...

Thailand Sends a Landing Craft to Help Illegal Migrants

Naval Forces of the country will bring refugees to Malaysia and Indonesia who agreed to organize a provisional asylum in their territory. Thailand will send the landing ship ANG Thong to the Andaman Sea for assistance to the illegal migrants drifting on the overloaded wooden vessels. The prime...

Apple’s victory in court over Samsung over issues on the smartphone market

The constant legal battles between Apple and Samsung have now reached a somewhat middle ground with the recent judgement drawing a line in between. Samsung now has to pay less damages and Apple has been stopped from creating a monopoly in the designing of Smartphones sector. An appeals court on...

New Snowden doc reveals NSA used app to spy

NSA and its partners used Apps and considered tapping mobile software stores of Google and Samsung to spy, allege a new set of documents revealed by Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. Intelligence agencies considered tapping the mobile software stores of both Google Inc. and Samsung Electronics...

UK’s Step To Abolish Geo-Blocking

The European Commission's new computerized single market initiative could have enormous ramifications for TV and film fans, which might soon have entry to significantly more substance than any other time in recent memory. In another method declared today, the Commission has laid out its wants to...

Dubai's authorities Tightened the Rules of the Dress Code for Tourists

Dubai authorities have expanded the measures to comply with the dress code of tourists and visitors in public places, write UAE media. At the entrance to many government agencies in Dubai, new banners that pay attention to the rules of conduct and dress code in public places have already been set...
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