Daily Management Review

Wind Power in the US Peaked 70GW

Total capacity of wind power plants in the United States reached a record high of 70 GW. According to the American Wind Energy Association, this is enough to provide 19 million homes with cheap electricity. The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) reported on Monday that total capacity of wind...

Oversupplied Crude Prices Take A Dip As El Nino Limits The Winter Sale

The oversupply of crude oil leads to the fall of its prices, driving towards lowest bench marks seen in a long time. Singapore – 15 December 2015 – On Tuesday, the 15th of December 2015, the oil prices fell downward, while “Brent “ is “set to” carry on its “losing streak” for the eighth day....

Possible Fed Rate Hike Threatens Emerging Markets

There is a possibility of increment in the Fed rates, although the U.S. is likely to be affect to the minimum directly, yet small market sector remain prone to risks. New Delhi – 14 December 2015 – The short term interest rates provided by the Federal Reserve could have a “potential increase”...

Employees Getting ‘Demotivated’ by Widening Gap with CEOs in UK, says a Study

The pay gap between the bosses and the general workforce is demotivating staff in the UK, claims a recent survey by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).  The survey research notes that the skyrocketing rise of excutive pay levels had now reached a “crisis point”....

US Employment Figures Boosted as New Franchise Models become Popular

The franchise model in the US industry has been able to perform better than other models and recent study shows that it has generated the most employment and contributing significantly to the national economy.   Innovative hybrid models for further job opportunities is one of the positive...

Central Bankers World over Now Left with Unraveling China Slowdown after Lifting of Fed Fog

The risks that are associated with a slowing down Chinese economy are being assessed by the world’s central banks as they try and estimate the potential risk to their economies. However the central banks do not seem to be close to finding an answer, as most other observers, about what is going on...

The World Market is Not Afraid of American Oil

On Wednesday, the US Congressional leaders reached a compromise on the bill that would remove the ban on the oil export. On Tuesday, OPEC Secretary General Abdullah al-Badri said that lifting the ban on American oil exports by the US Congress will not have a significant impact on world prices....

Drop in Share Prices Halts UK Governments Attempt to Privatise Llyods Bank

The government’s plan to sell off the stocks of Lloyds Banking Group at a profit and return the bank to private hands was halted after the shares of the group dipped below 70p.    With concerns over the state of world economy weighing on investors’ sentiment, there has been a...

Insourcing in America Moved from Words to Deeds

A few years ago, analysts noticed that the trend of transferring jobs from China to developed countries, including the United States, finally became one of the main strategies for the production development in the US companies. Now, most companies are going to shift or are already moving production...

Strong Dollar Will Hit China

The global foreign exchange market is still very unstable, and the parties continue to criticize each other in competitive devaluation. The currency war is in full swing, but the greatest concern is the rise in the dollar and devaluation of renminbi. Once Donald Trump branded China a "currency...
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