Daily Management Review

24-Hour Bus Service Proposal Lead To London Shutdown

The drivers’ union’s protest results in a London Underground Strike. Government has been active in trying to find alternative ways to help the citizens. London – 09 July 2015 – After a long thirteen years’ gap London witnesses another shutdown. On 8th of July 2015, the Underground of London closed...

5 Facts About Chinese Market Fall

The sharp fall in China's stock market is one of the most debated topics today, and at the moment, it is the most dangerous event for the global economy. No one can say for sure when the situation will stabilize, but there is a doubtless risks of worsening. The biggest danger is that the drop in...

Autonomous taxis can be very real possibilities in the near future

Scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have published a study which shows that electric cars are not just cost effective, they are good for the environment as well. Although a fleet of self-driving taxis zigzagging the cityscape seems like a distant dream from the near future,...

Is Portugal Going to Become New Greece?

For Europe, the main topic of today is Greece, but there are also problems in other peripheral countries. If the Greek crisis starts to unravel, then they will suffer first. Portugal may be the first in the queue. Several years ago, the authorities were forced to take austerity measures. As a...

The Beautiful Friendship Between US And Germany

At the point when Barack Obama went to Berlin two years back, he enchanted a city. A huge number of individuals cheered in the late spring daylight as he displayed his informal side before the Brandenburg Gate. Evident correlations can be seen just by going fifty years back in time. At around that...

Cameron on ‘Rigid EU’ & Greek Demand of ‘Reform’

David Cameron shares his views on the Greek elections, attempts of arriving at a new treaty with Greece and the wave of reformation that’s rising from that corner of the world. B.B.C News reports that, as per David Cameron, the British voters, demanding a reform, are not going to acknowledge...

The AIIB ‘Signing Ceremony’ Is A Strategic Chinese Move

China has put on the robe of facilitator by hosting the “signing ceremony” of AIIB, namely the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. It is yet another “international” institute of finance like its peers Asian Development Bank and the World Bank. In a function, delegates from fifty nations gathered...

BRICS Creates an IMF Analogue Worth $ 100 billion

BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have signed an agreement, which regulates the conditions for mutual support of member countries in the framework of an agreement on conditional pool of foreign exchange reserves. This is stated in the report of the Central Bank. - July...

The citizens of Athens are unrepentant in their defiance

With Greek’s finance minister - Yanis Varoufakis- quitting his job, the scenario for a last minute negotiation is a distant possibility. Just as Greek exiting the Eurozone is. Come what may, the citizens of Greece are an unrepentant lot. Yanis Varoufakis, Greece’s finance minister, who infuriated...

The unrolling of a Greek Tragedy

Greek banks are shut and will stay close for the week. Be that as it may, money machines have been reported as functional and towards the evening Greeks were making the most out of them. Greece chose Sunday to close banks and confine money withdrawals after the European Central Bank chose not to...
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