Daily Management Review

Macron: COVID-19 vaccine rivalry a new kind of world war


Europe is facing a new type of world war over the actions of Russia and China in supplying vaccines against COVID-19, French President Emmanuel Macron said. In his view, European countries need to take measures not to depend on others for vaccines.

"We are facing a new type of world war, dealing with the actions of Russia and China trying to gain influence through the supply of vaccines," Le Figaro newspaper quoted Mr. Macron as saying.

"We need sovereignty on this issue. We need to be able to produce vaccines. We are now working on being ready to produce second-generation vaccines," the French president said. In his view, the coronavirus is not going anywhere, so we need to work so that the EU can resist the COVID-19 strain.

Earlier, State Secretary for European Affairs at the French Foreign Ministry, Clément Beaune, said that France did not rule out that it could start using Sputnik V, the Russian vaccine against the coronavirus, in June. Prior to this, the drug must undergo an expert review by the European Medicines Agency.

source: lefigaro.fr