Daily Management Review
World & Politics

BP to Pay a Record Fine for Oil Spill

British oil company British Petrolium (BP) settled with the US authorities the issue of compensation for the accident on the platform Deepwater Horizon, which led to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, said in a statement on its website. The total amount of payments is totaling 18.7...

Germany& France reach the limit of their patience with the Greeks

The pioneers of Europe's two greatest economies gave little “hope” to Greeks who woke upon Monday morning to discover their banks close and capital controls forced as the administration made moves to deflect the breakdown of its monetary framework. Worldwide stocks and Greek bonds came crushing...

Real Commitments Or ‘Easy’ Political Promises Made By G7?

IPS highlights the promises made by G7 in a gathering whereby they set 2100 as their target year for meeting all their environmental commitments London – 01 July 2015 – The climate justice’s co-ordinator Lucy Cadena, also involved with “Energy Programme” initiated by the “Friends of the Earth...

Refugees from war torn Syria and crisis laden Greece pour into EU

Social and economic strife along with the evils of war and civil war has fueled a large influx of migrants and refugees to take on a dangerous journey of crossing the Mediterranean in flimsily constructed boats and arrive at the safety of European shores. Although many pay do not make it, thanks to...

Terrorist Attack in Tunisia

The terrorist act, committed on Friday in two hotels in Tunisia, according to latest figures, resulted in the deaths of 37 people, reported the country's Minister of Health Said Aidi. The minister said to the radio station "Mosaic FM" that another 36 people were injured. At the same time, he said,...

Internet Giants Ban Confederate Flag

The reason for this was a photograph of the alleged murderer of nine people in the African-American church with this flag in his hands. Boycott of the Confederate flag is a growing in the US, which has already involved the Internet giant Google, retailers Wall-Mart, Target and Sears, as well as...

Wave of Migrants Hits European Oneness

The problem of illegal migrants, sweeping over Europe, has become a real bone of contention to the Old World. Let’s assume how and when European politicians are going to solve it. European countries often come to a consensus even on the most controversial issues. But immigration quotas is an...

Countries That May Disappear

Have you ever wondered what a world would live in if some of the countries disappeared? History shows many examples of countries which have disappeared or been absorbed by others, more powerful and successful. Take, for example, Hawaii: for many centuries they remained a separate kingdom, but only...

Microelectronics industry in Taiwan to be driven by new environmental laws

For decades, Taiwan has been struggling with a potentially disastrous water situation. The boom in the microelectronics sector has not improved the pollution threat, and the country, which alternates between droughts and floods, flirts with dangerous water contamination levels, when water supplies...

Should We Be Afraid of Military Increase in China?

China ranks second in the world in terms of spending on the armed forces (the first is the United States). Last year, Beijing spent 188 billion dollars on the needs of the army. China's defense budget is increasing every year. Let's try to understand why this is so and should we wait for a slowdown...
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