Daily Management Review
Art & Art Market

In partnership with La Gazette Drouot International

"The Bird Trap," a Flemish Bestseller from the Bruegel Dynasty

One icy winter, Pieter Bruegel the Elder painted his Brabant village, Sint-Anna-Pede. In this unique work, his son, Pieter Bruegel the Younger, delivers his version of the composition, one of the famous family’s most highly-prized works. The air is crystal-clear, the sky barely blue and the vague...

Sam Stourdzé: Towards the Rebirth of the Villa Medici

Sam Stourdzé, 49, has been director of the French Academy in Rome since September 2020. The photography and cinema specialist talks about his determination to make the Academy a place open to both contemporary creation and a revisited history of art. The Villa Médicis-Académie de France à Rome,...

The Middle Ages Under Angelic Protection

Held following a court order, this sale gave pride of place to the Medieval and Renaissance periods with sculptures and paintings. The imposing head of a French king or high priest, carved in limestone from the Ile-de-France in the second third of the 12th century, had previously featured on...

Phillips in the Hot Seat After the Invasion of Ukraine

Phillips auction house finds itself in a storm following Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Since 2008, the auction house has belonged to Leonid Friedland and Leonid Strunin, the owners of Russian luxury group Mercury. Today, there are calls for its boycott. Contemporary art star Anish Kapoor...

François-Paul Journe: A New Star in Luxury Watchmaking

The most daring will sport it on their wrists; others will prefer to keep it safely hidden. With a six-figure estimate, this watch by François-Paul Journe consolidates the success the designer has enjoyed in recent years. It is not fragile and can be worn every day…which is reassuring. But only if...

Art Market Overview: A Flourishing French Art Scenecle n°8897

While Monet, Cézanne and Renoir are among the most expensive artists in the market, the Artprice 2021 report also provides a glimpse of the next generation. The new French rising star is a woman barely 40 years old: in 2021, Claire Tabouret totaled $5.8 M with 20 works sold at auction....

Oscar Graf: A Gallery Owner with a Fin de Siècle Spirit

A keen promoter of the wide-ranging Arts & Crafts movement, the son of designer François-Joseph Graf is poised to celebrate the 10th anniversary of his gallery with a new venue in Paris. With an antique dealer grandmother and an interior designer father, you are a chip off the old block! Was...

Ordrupgaard: A Museum for Collectors in Denmark

After over three years of work, the Danish museum has reopened with a new extension housing its Impressionist works. An occasion to look at an institution famous for both its French and Scandinavian collections and its architecture. In 1918, Wilhelm Hansen (1868-1936), the head of the Hafnia...

Money Laundering: Art Dealers Appeal to Europe

An American report that minimizes the risks of money laundering in the art market rekindles the controversy in Europe. Following the release of a rather cautious official American report on the risks of money laundering, the International Confederation of Art & Antique Market Professionals...

The Aristophil Collection: An Immersion Into the Creative Lives of Authors and Artists

The next two sales of autographs from the Aristophil Collection include a few items that have never come up for auction before, but also a collection of historic objects and some treasures, paintings and drawings. The 47th and 48th Aristophil sales, the French investment company that went...
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