Daily Management Review
World & Politics

Hungary Becomes the First European Nation to Sign up for China’s Silk Road Project

China has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Hungary, to develop trade relations and infrastructure projects. Hungary has become the first European nation, to sign the deal with China. China now hopes that Hungary’s approval of the Silk Road plans, to be an example, to encourage other...

FCC's Net Neutrality implemented across US

An appeal by broadband providers to temporarily ban the implementation of Net Neurality rules was turned down by the US court. The US Federal Communications Commission's net neutrality rules will take effect on Friday as planned after a federal court rejected requests by wireless and broadband...

Maggi now under FDA scanner

Nestle India's much-loved instant noodles brand Maggi has been under the fire in the country and now the FDA is also testing samples in the US. Nestle’s instant noodles brand Maggi, which has been under the scanner in India over the past one month, is now being tested by the US Food and Drug...

A Storm in The Global Energy Market

The consumption of gas, oil and coal in the world has slowed sharply. Developed economies have learned to grow without additional volumes of energy. There is storm in the energy market – say BP analysts. The world energy market has changed over the last year with unprecedented speed - analysts of...

Whereabouts of $10 million—another question raised amidst the FIFA corruption scandal

Many questions, concerning the whereabouts of the $10 million payment to the Caribbean Football Union, have recently surfaced. This has now led to other different doubts being voiced. Following these incidents, actions are being taken accordingly, to remove corruption. A question has been around...

Cyber attack hits personal data of 4 million US federal employees

US has proved to have more enemies than it would like to think as personally identifiable information of about four million current and former federal workers were compromised in a record-breaking cyber attack. This is one of the many recent attacks with source in foreign lands that were aimed at...

HSBC to pay record fine in money laundering case

The money laundering scandal at HSBC's Swiss arm has forced the British bank to pay a record fine to the Geneva authorities to escape a criminal inquiry in the country even while it is being prosecuted in other countries simultaneously. British multi-national banking firm HSBC has been mandated by...

The Death of Beau Biden Brings to Foray the Complexities of Brain Cancer

Beau Biden’s sad demise brought into forefront the prolonged debates and discussions of the complexity that is brain cancer. Even though much progress has been made with cancer research, brain cancer still remains an enigma basically. This year’s meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology...

Joint Arab Force - a Dream or Reality?

While some countries in the Middle East such as Yemen are experiencing acute domestic problems and artificially create a crisis, a number of Arab states, particularly Saudi Arabia, are actively implementing plans to establish a common Arab army. To what extent this project can be put into practice?...

Crude oil futures- sustained oil price not happening anytime soon.

While considering Brent and WTI crude futures, the current price scenario is unlikely to change until and unless any impactful event of global proportions rattles the absence of flux in the crude market. Supply and demand are now not the only factors involved in the pricing of crude oil. It’s...
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